Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How would a person with anterograde amnesia live?

i just watched the movie memento, and sure, you could tattoo yourself with facts about yourself and put notes everywhere but could you really live alone and know what you're doing?How would a person with anterograde amnesia live?
Yes it true when you are looking at it from your own perspective of life, but life is dynamic and there are opportunities to be happy regardless of what situation you encounter.How would a person with anterograde amnesia live?
Well, I can tell you that it's the most frustrating and frightening thing; but the worst part is realizing you might never get better. In the movies amnesia is portrayed as somewhat romantic to the extent that people will wish for it to happen to them. The reality of it is not as heartwarming and anyone who is afflicted by it would not wish it on their worst enemy. Reality is waking up one day in a hospital bed not knowing how you got there and why; being told by your mother that not only were you six years older but also married with two small children. You cope by keeping detailed notes in your electronic diary, setting your alarms to go off at regular intervals and having a wonderful and understanding husband who keeps you on track. If your condition is not too debilitating I suppose you could live alone but only if someone could come to check on you pretty much everyday to make sure you haven't wandered off and forgotten where you live. Eventually though, you accept it. You get used to it. You deal with it...that's all you can do.

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